P: 404-370-9800


• Trademark screening searches to determine whether marks are registrable in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and whether they will infringe the rights of any third party

• Global trademark screening searches

• Register trademarks in the United States and over a hundred foreign countries

• Manage and maintain trademark portfolios in the United States and over a hundred foreign jurisdictions

• Enforcement of trademark rights by litigation in U.S. District Courts throughout the United States

• Anti-counterfeiting enforcement litigation and seizures of infringing goods at the U.S. border

• Trademark registration litigation before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

• Manage trademark enforcement litigation in foreign countries

• Resolve domain name disputes using the online Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy and anti-cybersquatting laws

• Monitor for domestic and foreign trademark infringements, as well for infringements on the Internet and social media

• Trademark transactions, including licensing, security interests, assignments, and due diligence
